Westbay Websites is partnered with the Waiting Game Franchise. Headquartered in Lithia, FL, The WAITING GAME® is a free, full-color, interactive, incentive-based, monthly publication distributed anywhere consumers experience wait times….doctors’ offices, dentists’ offices, hair salons, local schools, hotels, take-out restaurants, mom’s clubs, car washes, dealerships, laundromats, dance studios, martial arts centers, gymnastics clubs, and many more…


We respect what the people want. And wait times have been going up. We are proud to give something fun, popular, and entertaining for the community while people wait.

Isn’t everyone on the phone?

Many people are. And we distribute these messages through our in-house fundraiser app.
And many do not believe in print marketing any more. And for good reason.
But the real issue isn’t print vs. web. The real issue is shelf life.
HOW LONG is your message in front of your audience? Most ads give you only 4 seconds.

Since the Waiting Game is in front of a captive audience, we provide the large and respected attention that you deserve much easier than most ads. And your message is chosen home. (Subtle, but important) And after that, your message is often held onto for weeks, months, or sometimes even years at a time.

Rosie O’Donnell perusing the Waiting Game

Contact us today so we can learn more about your business.


The Waiting Game is locally available in literally thousands of local waiting rooms. And, just like any other locally reputable business, we do plenty of programs to strengthen our relationship with our audience and the community.

Huge congrats to Patrick who won this month’s $100 contest! Patrick found us at his absolute Smiles dentist office in Clearwater. Patrick is putting the $100 towards a lift system. Congrats Patrick! Do you play the hundred dollar game? Find it in this month’s issue of waiting game. See you soon 🙂

Our fearless leader Vinnie with Bay News 9's Holly Gregory!

The WAITING GAME has crosswords, Sudoku, word find, interesting facts, and puzzles…plus incentives, offers, and value for consumers to take home. The WAITING GAME is intended to stimulate the minds of consumers and their families while they wait and to provide valuable offers for them to take home.
The goal of The WAITING GAME is to engage, entertain, and provide value everywhere within the local community to maximize enjoyment for our readers and exposure for our advertisers 365 days a year.
The WAITING GAME has been running each and every month since the fall of 2000.  We are found in literally thousands of high volume, high wait areas to entertain those who wait in the Tampa Bay and surrounding communities.


Feedback from the Palm Harbor, Florida Happenings Facebook page

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